Monday, October 26, 2009

the riddle

why do we seek, ponder or wonder about these things:

spiritual inspiration
spiritual exploration
spiritual connections
spiritual commitment

why do I think we do?

spiritual inspiration
the mystic moments, the ineffable that causes us to collapse reasonable possibilities and seek the unknown

spiritual exploration
curiosity, knowing that reason cannot explain everything

spiritual connections
a desire to share in the above with others

spiritual commitment
I don't know? perhaps to have a sense that critical human needs can be met. needs such as satisfaction (praise, to be needed, to be alike, to be different, to see results) and stimulation (entertainment from the outside in)

does it come down to what we want out of life, or
what do we want out of the next moments?

- dale

1 comment:

  1. I think that stability and predictability are human needs that receive little attention. Child psychologists often talk about the necessity of raising our young in a loving, stable environment; this is actually necessary for their mental development. Somehow I don't think this ceases upon adulthood. Perhaps the paramaters of stability change; the outward evidences of it change; but the threads of commonality require stability. These threads, though invisible, so often are ineffable and are placed in the category of the spiritual because of it.
